Look before you leap

by Jennifer Frazer on March 7, 2009

Hi. You have reached the blog of Jennifer Frazer, science writer and overenthusiastic naturalist. Thanks for checking in! However, I’m not actually officially here yet as I’m still working on getting this thing designed, so you will have to be patient. There will be plenty of great amoeba/protist/lichen/zygomycete/ctenophore/bdelloid rotifer action coming very soon. I just don’t want to officially launch it until I get the look I’m . . . well . . . looking for.

In the meantime, here’s a great picture of an artful amoeba, the gracefully named Chaos diffluens, which has officially dethroned my previous favorite scientific name, Borrelia burgdorferi (the spiral bacteria that cause Lyme Disease). If I were an amoeba and had a name this bad a**, I’d have it tattooed on my pseudopod.

Today this pond . . . tomorrow the world! An artful amoeba -- Chaos diffluens.
An amoeba named “Chaos”. Great name for a Western?

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