3 Quarks Daily Science Blogging Contest Opens Again

by Jennifer Frazer on May 29, 2010

Just a note that 3 Quarks Daily’s annual science blog post contest is open for nominations. I submitted “The Seafaring Killer Bacterium” from earlier this year, but you can nominate whoever and whatever you like, if you like, which the 3QD folk would like you to do. So if there’s another science blogger out there who’s written a blog post you like, consider submitting it. Each person can nominate only one blog post, and at this point, more than one nomination for a given post doesn’t help. The public voting (which will count for choosing the 20 finalists) will open next week and I’ll let you know when the time comes.

Final judging this year will be by Richard “Selfish Gene/God Delusion” Dawkins.

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Jo June 2, 2010 at 2:43 pm

Jennifer, I tried to nominate a post sometime between the 27th and the 31st and my post never showed up. I notice that there are no new posts after the 27th from anyone else either. I hope you were nominated before that!

Jennifer Frazer June 2, 2010 at 5:22 pm

No problem, Jo! I think it got in — there was a second page of comments with a very inconspicuous button you had to click to get to. The list of nominees is up and there is a second nomination, so I’d guess that’s yours! I’ll put up a new post about it soon. Thanks so much for your nom! I’m flattered. : )

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