The Reports of Our Incineration Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

by Jennifer Frazer on September 15, 2010

Last week you may have heard the forest west of Boulder was burning, which was true. 166 homes were destroyed, making it the most destructive fire in Colorado’s history. You may have even heard the city was endangered, which was also true for about an hour on Thursday night (but it could have been much more; the windstorm was mercifully brief) as winds gusted to 65 miles per hour. I had three calls from people out of town that day checking on me to make sure I was OK since the news of our possible demise evidently made it onto NPR. The fire is completely out now, and we escaped unscathed. But I just found this beautiful time lapse video of the conflagration, which makes it seem as much a living, breathing organism as many things I post here. Hope you enjoy.

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September 16, 2010 at 9:02 am

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kati September 15, 2010 at 10:13 pm

so glad you’re ok!

Jennifer Frazer September 17, 2010 at 10:09 am

Thank you! Me too! I actually live in Gunbarrel where Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy does (though I’ve never met him) so we were never in danger. But I did have some friends who might have been if the wind had not cooperated . . .

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